Comfortable place to stay is an important factor of enjoyment of life, read these tips for your home, and make your home the most comfortable place for you and your family

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Preparing for Rainy Season Facing House


Preparing for Rainy Season Facing House
Often we are troubled by the problems that arise during the rainy season. Not only health problems are prone diseases such as colds, coughs colds, dengue fever, diarrhea, etc., but also the impact of rain against the house. Therefore, when we started building a house, a house designed concept to think about solutions when the rainy season. Here are tips to prepare the house to face the rainy season so that when the rainy season does not need the hassle anymore.

Problem of leakage in the roof is most often found in homes during the rainy season. For that there is nothing wrong if the 3-month routine inspection once the roof of the house, whether there are cracks, should replace the old tile, or wood on the roof is there a start rotting. Notice also the rooftop area for cement plaster on that part is easy to leak.

If there are cracks in the roof, provide wire netting and a waterproof seal. For large cracks, needs to patched and taped back.
It is recommended to use aluminum foil (1 - 2 millimeter) as a coating between the ceiling and roof tiles. Aluminum foil works to reduce heat absorption, avoiding tampias if any imperfections in the tile installation, so the water coming from the tiles will fall into the Plank and not get into the house.

Ceiling that is left damp because of water seepage, can long decayed and collapsed. In addition to aesthetic damage and harm, the cost of repairs became more expensive.

For the asbestos roof, installation of nails bolts must be coated rubber.

As the rainy season, usually the walls become moist, and there is seepage from the roof of the house. However, if the roof is fixed in advance and given a waterproof, it is likely that seepage of rain water will not enter.

For outdoor walls, you should use weathershield as a protective coating against fungi so spotless black walls. But if you already moldy, have scraped the wall first, then painted again and be waterproof.
Cracked walls should also be patched, and then plastered over and seal with waterproof.

Outer wall using natural stone needs extra attention because it has moss and mildew risk higher than a painted wall. For that natural stone coated with varnish and precoat once every 6 months so that his condition is always awake. If moss or mildew, have to be in Kikis by grinding and can damage the texture of stone.

If there parapet on the wall, give the slope of the parapet so that rain water does not erode the parapet directly.

Floor of the house should be higher than the porch and try not to use the indoor floor material for outdoor space.

Rain water in order not come into the house during the rainy season, altitude level home should be higher than the street level.

Outdoor lights were also noteworthy. Is the cable still wrapped or not? Because if there is a chipped cable let alone naked would be very dangerous. In addition to short-circuit can occur, the cable under water with peeling and bare conditions may conduct electricity and electrocute people consequently direct contact with water. We recommend using the DC flow to the light outside the home garden or make it more secure because it does not deliver electricity.

CITY AND LINES sewers septic tank
Clean ditches and drains of debris on a regular basis so as not to clog due to dirt and trash and pooled. Channel home sewers leading to the trench, should be sloped to prevent stagnant water.

Fit the screen at the mouth of sewers to prevent entry of rats.

To avoid stagnation of water drainage in the shower, divide the areas soil moisture content is high and make the water seepage is greater. Better yet, if the land where he lived the high ground because the water can seep into the ground directly. But if the land, including areas of flooding and soil water content in the high, should have made more than one area 3-4 meters deep seepage.


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